Judicial Statistics: Quetelet.net


Please only use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to access the application (not Internet Explorer or Safari). The username and password for the application are both: visiteur

Quetelet.net enables Belgian judicial statistics to be accessible and understandable to a large audience. Until recently, these statistics were available for consultation only for a small part through PDF files on the website of the Ministry of Justice. Thanks to Quetelet.net, all these serialised datas for the 19th and 20th centuries are available online, with a critical viewpoint to make them easier to use by the researchers, the policy-makers, the medias and the citizens. Regularly, some « cubes » are posted on the application that present crossed datas issued from the judicial statistics, and can enlighten current issues in society regarding the justice.

As a prototype, this application is subject to frequent updates and can adapt the proposed cubes to the requests of the stakeholders and the researchers. Please let us know your remarks and requests by email to Françoise Muller (francoise.muller@uclouvain.be) or Marie Vandersanden (marie.vandersanden@uclouvain.be).

Quetelet.net is an application developed by the CHDJ and the CETIC, in partnership with the Ministry of Justice.

Picture: Ministry of Justice (Belgium), Judicial Statistics - annual report, 1925

The Interuniversity Attraction Pole P7/22 "Justice & Populations: The Belgian Experience in International Perspective, 1795-2015" (BeJust 2.0) is part of the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme Phase VII (2012-2017), financed by the Belgian Science Policy Office of the Belgian State.

The IAP VII/22 Justice & Populations www.bejust.be is the outcome of a collaboration between the Cegesoma, the IAP coordination team (CHDJ-UCL) and the Royal Military Academy. Design: tangografix. Powered by Drupal